Become a Farwell House supporter and help us meet our matching grant!

Your donation supports Farwell House in its mission to support the arts and artists in our communities.

Become a Farwell House supporter and help us meet our matching grant!  image

Will you partner with us to meet our matching grant?

Funds from grants like these are vital to our organization and its mission of providing artist residencies, local artist exhibits, and community events such as the Frederick Fall Fling and Strummin' on the Hill.

This past year Farwell House hosted six artists from across the country through our artist-in-residency program. These artists explored our local communities and discovered all of the unique experiences they had to offer. While spending time on their artwork, they also participated in open studio events where the public could experience their work and ask questions. Farwell House also hosted an exhibit of local artist, Andrea Kliffmiller, and her ceramic works.

With our fall community events, Frederick Fall Fling and Strummin' on the Hill, we provided free family activities, including games, art projects, bounce houses, and live music. Community members were able to gather together, support local musicians, and build connections with each other.

Events and programs like these can only happen with the support of generous donors like you! This matching grant opportunity will allow Farwell House to showcase more local artists through one-day exhibits, to bring more visiting artists into our communities to share their work and experiences, and to continue supporting local musicians.

Would you consider donating to help us reach this goal? Would you consider becoming a monthly donor to help support our organization year-round?

Thank you for your continued support of Farwell House!